6 Reasons why Medication Compounding Makes Sense

Discover Why Medication Compounding is Essential for Patients
Some patients require the creation of a certain medication to continue to get their treatment. This requirement can be met by a compounding or specialty pharmacy in Florida by mixing active ingredients together to come up with the needed medication. Our pharmacists will work with the patient’s doctor to ensure their needs are met. Medication compounding that Your Health Pharmacy offers has many benefits including the following:
- Creates a Medication with a Specific Dosage
Medications can be available in dosages that are either too low or too high for a patient’s needs. Our pharmacist can make a medication with the specific dosage necessary. This eliminates the need to cut pills or take more of a certain medicine. Ensuring that the patient takes the right dosage is important to reduce their risk of possible side effects.
- Modifies Medication Taste for Easier Use
A lot of medications come with unpleasant tastes which makes them hard to take, especially by children. But our pharmacist can custom-made a prescribed medicine in the patient’s desired favor. This helps in ensuring the patient takes his medications as prescribed.
- Provides Medications That Are Not Easy to Find or Discontinued
For many patients, it is quite frustrating to find out that their medications are rarely sold or no longer available in the market. However, patients can still get these medicines from our compounding pharmacy. As a provider of compounding services in Florida, we can reproduce the medications to make ensure the patient continues to take advantage of their benefits.
- Eliminates Allergens
Compounding medications allows pharmacists to eliminate the ingredients that are likely to cause allergic reactions in patients.
- Recreates Medications in the Preferred Form
Our pharmacists can create medications in the patient’s desired form. Occasionally, patients choose to have their meds in a specific form or another. For example, children may choose to take their medications in a chewable table or liquid suspension form. Also, it is possible for the pharmacists to formulate medications in a topical form which involves compounding a medication into a gel or cream. This is meant to allow easier absorption of the medicine through the skin and into the bloodstream.
- Works with Patients More Closely
Compared to big chain pharmacies, our compounding pharmacy tries to get to know our patients more by learning about their medical needs. We will determine the type of symptoms the patients suffer and the medications prescribed to them. To make sure we create medications that suit the needs of our patients, we also have to know things like the patients’ preferred dosage form or if they have a history of allergic reactions to certain medications.
As a provider of safe compounding medication services in Pompano Beach, Florida we work with patients to create unique and individualized treatment plans. To learn more about our services and specialties, please feel free to browse through our website at yhpharmacy.com
For more information contact us at the pharmacy to set up a professional consultation.
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